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The basics of Negotiation | On demand

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The basics of Negotiation | on demand


So you want a higher salary, you want the best deal possible. How are you going to achieve that? How are you going to make them give you what you want? How are you going to get optimal results out of your negotiations?

The people

In a negotiation it’s you working with the other party. So do you know what type of negotiator you are? What type do you want to be? What triggers the other party, how do they function?

The problem

Separating the problem from the people is one of the ground rules in Harvard Negotiating. So what is the problem? What is it you want to achieve and what is your best alternative to a negotiated agreement (your BATNA). What is theirs?


In this negotiation masterclass we are going to touch upon some of the negotiation principles the Harvard Negotiation Project developed and we will find out what type of negotiator you are. After this masterclass you will be able to prepare your negotiations in a constructive way and you will be able to recognize some of the dynamics at the negotiation table, which will help you to get a better result.


Trained as a lawyer, Diederik Diercks now has extensive experience mediating and negotiating solutions in labour conflicts. He honed his negotiating skills training with Bruce Patton, Richard Birke and Chris Voss.


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