91% success rate
87% customer satisfaction
100% commitment from us

Business Disputes

Since 2004, Result Mediation has been helping to resolve business conflicts.

MfN certified mediatorsActive for more than 14 yearsAlways a business mediator in the area91% Success rate

Top-level conflict solvers

Shareholders, managing directors and managers are increasingly opting to resolve business disputes out of court, as this is often much more efficient than litigating. Our ‘conflict solvers’, mediators and arbitrators, have years of top-level experience in the business world, judiciary and legal profession. This includes handling such matters as:

  • conflicts within companies, say, between shareholders, supervisory boards and managing directors, or between management boards and works councils, and conflicts within medical and other partnerships;
  • conflicts between companies, for example, with consortiums or joint ventures, long-term partnerships, contractual obligations and competitive conditions;
  • conflicts between companies, government authorities and societal organisations;
  • evaluation of management board and supervisory board performance;
  • liability issues and insurance cases.

Conflict analysis and resolution process

The conflict solver’s role differs in each case. It is often agreed that the parties will be spoken to separately first. The dispute is then analysed, and a resolution process is proposed. If the disputes includes an important legal aspect, it may be agreed with the two parties that an authoritative legal expert (for instance, a former judge) will furnish clarity on this aspect through a binding or other opinion or an arbitration decision. We also provide customised resolution strategies for corporate valuation issues.

Result Mediation gets you to a solution

Result Mediation guides these processes successfully. In practice, a solution is often closer than you think. We find solutions which enable the parties to move on, thanks to our broad experience with Harvard Negotiation, Legal Mediation and binding (and other) opinions/arbitrations in sub-proceedings. The risk and expense of a lawsuit is consequently avoided.

Why business disputes?

  • Confidentiality
  • Speed & cost saving
  • No unexpected decision
  • More spacious, more appropriate solution
  • Parties come out together

Want to know if business mediation can do something about your dispute? Contact us without obligation via the button below or call +31 (0)20 – 205 02 39

Get your dispute resolved? With business mediation we solve 92% of the conflicts.

Schedule a free consultation with us!

Our mediators

Elsbeth Snieders

Business Mediator, Employment Mediator, Mediator in International Organisations, Trainer


Paul Smeele

Business Mediator, Employment Mediator, Mediator in International Organisations


Felix Merks

Business Mediator, Directie, Mediator in International Organisations, Partner, Trainer


Dominique Maas

Business Mediator, Employment Mediator, Mediator in International Organisations


Can we have a conversation free of charge?

Feasibility study

You can always get a free telephone feasibility study with one of our mediators. The mediator will then discuss the situation with you and discuss the options he sees. If the mediator thinks that mediation is not a good option, he will say so and you will not be charged for teh conversation.

What does a mediation cost?

The hourly rate of the mediator is between € 200 and € 350, depending on the type of conflict and the mediator involved. In an employment mediation, the mediator spends an average of 10 hours. For business mediations, the mediator makes an hourly estimate prior to the mediation.

Can I take someone with me to the mediation?

Everything in the mediation is in consultation, including this. If one of the parties wants to take someone along, the mediator or our case management will discuss this with the other party. To ensure that there is balance at the table, the other party can also bring someone along.

Why should I take someone with me?

Sometimes people like it when they can discuss what happened and what was said afterwards. In other cases they want to take their (legal) adviser with them. It also happens that within the situation there are several responsible persons who all have to sit at the table in order to have a mandate for the entire solution. The mediator ensures that the conversation is in principle conducted by those directly involved (employer / employee, partners, shareholders).

When is there a conflict?

Employment Mediation

This question is often less important than resolving the situation. The definition of a labor dispute is: “two parties, within the boundaries of a labor organization, have a labor dispute if at least one of the parties believes that the other party is obstructing or annoying her. This can be on content of work, labor relations, working conditions or working conditions “. In the mediation we talk about a “matter” or a “situation”.

Business Mediation

Here too, the question of whether or not there is conflict is less important than finding a solution to the situation. When a business relationship gets stuck and too much negative energy is created, a mediator will provide movement. This creates clarity and a picture of the future that all involved can continue to use.


The boss of the process, confronting, honest, perseverance, positive, constructive, humor, perspective.

Director HR international construction company
Made me take a good look at myself

Nice contact, held a mirror up to both parties during the process. Takes information received from both parties into account. Neutral, patient and compassionate at the moments that demand it.

Director of Operations Engineering Office
Fast and by telephone

Mediation was conducted entirely by telephone and went quickly towards exit mediation from the start. It's great how we came to this result by telephone so quickly.

Director technical company
Good assessment of the situation

The mediator made a good assessment of the situation, which was different from what was obvious. She was encouraging, helped me to stay with myself and not just to defend myself and leave me in a negative role force.

Owner Hospitality Branche
Listens between the lines

Resolute lady who knows what she is talking about and can listen well between the lines.

Service provider in the funeral industry
Very capable

The mediator was very capable and could faultlessly ask questions at the critical moments. She played an essential role in breaking through the impasse.

Manager Marketing and Communication of a public service provider
Very competent

Our mediator is very skilled in her profession, explains everything well, has an understanding of all present, am happy to have assigned her as a mediator.

Director / owner in construction
Very diplomatic

Our mediator was very diplomatic, neutral, and collaborative.

Consultant in a for profit sustainable development organisation

Resolving your business dispute?

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