91% success rate
87% customer satisfaction
100% commitment from us

Employment Mediation

An employment dispute costs a lot of energy, time and money. For all parties. Our mediators help resolve 1,200 employment conflicts a year. Choose employment mediation to resolve your employment dispute.

English, German and French speaking mediatorsFull MfN registered mediatorsMulti-language mediations for more than 20 years91% Succes rate

We have helped solve more than 10,000 conflicts through mediation

Result Mediation has many specialised employment mediators. An employment dispute affects both the employee’s and the company’s performance. Our mediators are the most experienced employment mediators in the Netherlands. We are caring, involved and effective. Each year, we resolve more than 1,200 employment-related conflicts, many of them foreign language mediations.

Nationwide network of employment mediators

All of our employment mediators are registered mediators with the Federation of Dutch Mediators (MfN). We work together with various Dutch employment-related organisations, including ArboNed, Keerpunt, Arbo Unie, ArGon Groep, Capability, MKBasics. We also conduct mediations for many international organisations and companies throughout the whole of the Netherlands directly.

Results: success rate of more than 90%

Our employment mediators often quickly deliver results: More than 90% of the mediations which Result Mediation conducts are successful. Nearly half of the successful mediations end with termination of the employment contract by mutual consent; the other half end with agreements about resuming the job and returning to work. The mediator records the solution achieved in a settlement agreement, which the parties sign.


As an employee / employer, have you ended up in an employment dispute? We are happy to help you further in order to arrive at an outcome that is acceptable to both parties.

  • International mediators
  • MfN register mediators
  • Active for more than 20 years
  • 91% Success rate

Want to know if mediation can do something about your employment dispute? Contact us via the button below or call +31 (0)20 – 205 02 39

Get your conflict resolved?
With labor mediation we solve 91% of the conflicts.

Schedule a consultation with us!

Our employment mediators

Joyce van den Eijkel

Employment Mediator


Dominique Maas

Business Mediator, Employment Mediator, Mediator in International Organisations


Judith van den Boogert

Employment Mediator


Jan Goossens

Employment Mediator


Birgitta Smits

Employment Mediator, Mediator in International Organisations


Employment Mediation


Mediation is a structured process. A neutral, independent mediator guides the disputing parties towards a solution. A solution which is acceptable to every party. Mediation is voluntary; it can be terminated by any party or the mediator at any desired time. Often, the mediator will give it one last try at that point. If this fails, the mediator will terminate the mediation. Strict confidentiality applies. The resolution achieved will not become binding until a settlement agreement has been signed. Around 90% of Result Mediation’s mediations are successful.

Notification by the case manager

After receiving an application for employment mediation, Result Mediation’s case manager notifies the employer and employee about the mediation, including providing information about the mediator. They’re also invited to complete the online intake.


Online intake

Based on the questions and your responses, the mediator can properly prepare for the mediation. The major benefits of an online intake (according to the University of Leuven in Belgium) are:

  • It allows the mediation to proceed more efficiently.
  • Each party can prepare for the mediation at its own speed.
  • There is no issue of ‘inequality between the parties’.

Initial contact with the mediator

Next, the mediator contacts both parties and the referring party (usually a working conditions service and sometimes a legal expenses insurer). Based in part on the online intake, the mediator discusses how the situation can best be dealt with. A meeting is scheduled after the initial contact.

Question and answer

We are happy to answer all your questions.

Can we have a conversation free of charge?

Feasibility study

You can always get a free telephone feasibility study with one of our mediators. The mediator will then discuss the situation with you and discuss the options he sees. If the mediator thinks that mediation is not a good option, he will say so and you will not be charged for teh conversation.

How long does a mediation take?

Employment mediation

A employment mediation usually takes 4 to 6 weeks. Two conversations are usually conducted during this period. And coordination can take place via e-mail or telephone. Our employer mediators spend an average of 10 hours per mediation.

Business mediation

The duration of a business mediation is difficult to determine in advance. This can happen very quickly, for example when a lawsuit is planned and parties want to find a solution in mediation before that time. But it can also take longer if many parties are involved in the mediation and careful, formal decision-making has to take place. At the start of the process, the mediator makes an estimate of the hours to be spent.

Can I take someone with me to the mediation?

Everything in the mediation is in consultation, including this. If one of the parties wants to take someone along, the mediator or our case management will discuss this with the other party. To ensure that there is balance at the table, the other party can also bring someone along.

Why should I take someone with me?

Sometimes people like it when they can discuss what happened and what was said afterwards. In other cases they want to take their (legal) adviser with them. It also happens that within the situation there are several responsible persons who all have to sit at the table in order to have a mandate for the entire solution. The mediator ensures that the conversation is in principle conducted by those directly involved (employer / employee, partners, shareholders).

What does a mediation cost?

The hourly rate of the mediator is between € 200 and € 350, depending on the type of conflict and the mediator involved. In an employment mediation, the mediator spends an average of 10 hours. For business mediations, the mediator makes an hourly estimate prior to the mediation.

Good listener, effective

My mediator was a very pleasant person, listens incredibly well, checks things thoroughly and always gives feedback, leaving everyone in his / her worth.

Administrative assistant of a foundation
Very diplomatic

Our mediator was very diplomatic, neutral, and collaborative.

Consultant in a for profit sustainable development organisation

The boss of the process, confronting, honest, perseverance, positive, constructive, humor, perspective.

Director HR international construction company
Very competent

Our mediator is very skilled in her profession, explains everything well, has an understanding of all present, am happy to have assigned her as a mediator.

Director / owner in construction
Made me take a good look at myself

Nice contact, held a mirror up to both parties during the process. Takes information received from both parties into account. Neutral, patient and compassionate at the moments that demand it.

Director of Operations Engineering Office
Fast and by telephone

Mediation was conducted entirely by telephone and went quickly towards exit mediation from the start. It's great how we came to this result by telephone so quickly.

Director technical company
Friendly and decisive

Our mediator was friendly and decisive. Knew the finger exactly on the sore spot. Very professional.

General practitioner
Very capable

The mediator was very capable and could faultlessly ask questions at the critical moments. She played an essential role in breaking through the impasse.

Manager Marketing and Communication of a public service provider
Good assessment of the situation

The mediator made a good assessment of the situation, which was different from what was obvious. She was encouraging, helped me to stay with myself and not just to defend myself and leave me in a negative role force.

Owner Hospitality Branche
Listens between the lines

Resolute lady who knows what she is talking about and can listen well between the lines.

Service provider in the funeral industry

Mediation meeting

The mediation agreement is signed during the initial mediation meeting, in order to ensure the voluntariness and confidentiality of the process for both parties. Both parties are given the opportunity to explain their positions. The mediator encourages the parties to discuss the situation and formulate agreements in a constructive manner. The mediator can also speak with each party separately and confidentially.

Resolution through mediation

A single meeting may be enough to resolve the dispute, while a few additional follow-up meetings may sometimes be necessary. The mediator can record the agreements made in a settlement agreement. In practice, this entails:

  • deciding on good working arrangements by consensus or
  • terminating the employment contract, with the employee retaining his/her unemployment benefit rights.

The mediator helps the parties to flesh out the agreements properly.

Completing the mediation

An employment mediation is concluded by making agreements about the future, after both parties have signed a settlement agreement. This settlement agreement sets forth the specific agreements made or includes a statement by the mediator (or one of the parties) that the mediation has ended unsuccessfully. Termination of employment is always recorded in a settlement agreement. This shows the Dutch Employee Insurance Agency (UWV) that the employee bears no blame for losing his/her job and is still entitled to unemployment benefits.


During the different stages of the mediation process, the mediator draws up a progress report for the referring party, who thus remains fully apprised of the proceedings. In consultation with both parties, the mediator can contact the referring party, too.

Advice by Result Mediation

The success rate for Result Mediation’s mediations is more than 90%. A crucial success factor is that each party is prepared to work to achieve a resolution. Sometimes, a party prefers to let the conflict go on, or a choice is made to head to court. If the parties cannot agree, the employment relationship will continue, including the obligations regarding returning to work. We would be pleased to consult with you (confidentially, of course) about what mediation might be able to do for you in your particular situation. Please contact one of our case managers.

Resolving your employment dispute?

With professional mediation we solve 91% of the conflicts. Quickly and to the satisfaction of both parties.

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