91% success rate
87% customer satisfaction
100% commitment from us

Training Credits

Permanent education training credits

Various courses and training courses are, where applicable, also eligible for the award of PE points (permanent education). For example, the Result ADR Negotiation Institute is recognized as a training institution by:

  • De Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten (NOvA) in the fields of legal, professional skills and management / organization (awarding points under the Permanent Training Regulation)
  • De Koninklijke Notariële Beroepsorganisatie (KNB) in the context of the compulsory in-service training for (candidate) notaries
  • De Mediatorsfederatie Nederland (MfN) for the permanent education of MfN register mediators.
    Award of PE points

The subject and the duration of the course determine the number of PE points to be awarded. This is indicated in the description of the course. At the end of the course we will send a message about the participants to the relevant institution (s). The participants will receive proof of participation including the award of the PE points no later than three weeks later.

Training Credits (KNB)

The Result Mediation Training Institute can allocate training points for the KNB mandatory further training for (candidate) notaries.

Training Credits MfN registermediators

As a recognized institute, we can allocate training points to MfN-registered mediators in the context of the Continuing Education of Mediatorsfederatie Nederland.

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