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judith van den boogert

Judith van den Boogert

Employment Mediator

MfN mediator with 15 years of experience in conflict counseling

  • Integrity and empathy
  • A connector
  • Analytical and solution oriented

Judith van den Boogert works as an MfN mediator in labor and business disputes. Graduated as a conflict expert in both anthropology and political science, she began her professional career in the conflict field as a facilitator and academic teacher within an international dialogue program. She also worked as a lecturer at the University of Amsterdam.

Judith has years of experience in supporting groups stuck in conflict-affected areas worldwide. From Instituut Clingendael, she has trained and guided many peace negotiators, insider mediators, diplomats and leaders within civil society and political organizations in international mediation processes and peace capacity building. This to support professionals at different levels in attempts to break the cycle of violence and actively seek a sustainable solution. She did this in collaboration with international organizations such as the UNDP, UN Women, the OCSE, the European Union, the African Union, ECOWAS and various ministries. She has also worked for the Ministry of Defense on conflict prevention in work with cooperation partners around the world.

With her background in cultural anthropology and political science and her rich experience at home and abroad, Judith quickly sees through the conflict situation and can get to the heart of the dispute. Finding out about profound interests, needs and how they affect the individuals at the table is essential to her in all the conflict work she does.

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Judith van den Boogert

Judith van den Boogert speaking

Conflict often begins not because you want it to, but because things go differently than you expect. Perhaps you are tremendously upset about how someone is acting. You are no longer on the same page. The situation escalates. If for one moment you don’t pay attention and you don’t engage in time in an honest conversation about what you don’t like, the trust in each other seeps away and things no longer add up. While the intention on both sides was certainly there to create something beautiful together. I have seen this kind of story in many mediations.

When tensions run high and there is no workable situation anymore, it helps to call in a professional. As a mediator, I help parties to get back into the conversation in a structured and safe setting. Talking with each other can be quite stressful because feelings about each other and the situation have been built up on both sides, and suddenly you are talking about this with an unfamiliar mediator. That is why I believe that a personal intake with all parties is essential. Because who am I as a mediator and what can you expect from me and the process? What are we all going to talk about and can this not be used against you?

The trust is damaged, and one often feels not seen or heard. Everyone’s pain and the consequences of the conflict are very much felt. It is precisely the impartiality of the mediator that can finally ensure that safe place where everyone’s story and the accompanying emotions can be shared. To finally identify where things went wrong and what feelings arose in the process. Only from there can we begin to explore together what interests and desires everyone has toward the future and which durable solutions go with them.

None of this is easy to do. A sense of security and agreements about the conditions under which we will conduct the conversation are essential. That is why we always agree on basic rules with each other, including confidentiality about what is shared and the way we communicate. We also agree on the commitment to listen to each other and to try to find a solution together. Getting to a solution is always a puzzle, but in the end you collectively pursue a situation that gives everyone a better outcome than the current one. From the (relative) openness that slowly re-emerges during the conversation, we examine whether there is anything left to recover or whether you will part ways with a sense of dignity.

Experiences & specializations

  • MfN mediator with 15 years of conflict counseling at national and international level.
  • Labour mediator, Dutch and English speaking
  • Conflict mediation in (post) conflict areas, clients include the UN, African Union, EU, embassies, central government.
  • Coaching of organizations with resistance to change
In our conversations, I usually go several layers deeper to really understand where things are going awry between people. This usually yields beautiful reflections for both parties on what they really value in their work and what this means for the outcome of their mediation. Judith van den Boogert

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